Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year...New Blog!

Welcome to our blog!

Lynne and Jess Get Dressed is the story of two young professional twins, one living in Boston, one in New York, who are aiming to be fabulously put-together everyday.  We love fashion--but can't afford haute couture.  We shop at the everyday places like J. Crew, Banana Republic, and Anthropologie, but believe we can have it all: fit, quality, and style at a price we can afford.

We'll both be posting our fashion steals, dilemmas, and outfits.  To start, here are my goals for the New Year:

1.) Never wear the same outfit (to work) more than once a month (I only work part-time though).
2.) Build outfits, not buy single pieces that just sit in my closet because I don't have anything to wear them with.
3.) Learn how to use what's already in my wardrobe to maximize total outfits, and not buy anything that's going to sit in there unworn.
4.) Lose the baby weight!!  My son is already 2.5!!  Got to lose that last 10 pounds!

And here are some pictures to leave you New Year's Eve outfit!!

Shell, Sweater, tights, earrings, and booties: J. Crew
Skirt: Express
Thanks for reading; I can't wait to start this journey together!
